Hello Friends!
After the last three, successful, releases of Super Fantastica Comix, we are now taking submissions for Super Fantastica Comix #4 (2009 Edition).
If you aren’t familiar, you may be asking yourself, “what is Super Fantasica Comix?” Well, Super Fantastica Comix! (SFC!) is a compendium of comix created by talented, up-and-coming and professional artists.
Want to participate? Please read the following information carefully as submissions not following the guidelines will not be accepted.
Theme: Science Fair! What do we mean by “Science Fair”? Well, a science fair is generally a competition where contestants present their science project results in the form of a report, display board, and models that they have created. A science fair allow students in grade schools and high schools to compete in science and/or technology activities. Now, take your own spin on it!
Comic Dimensions: Submissions lengths must be between one to six pages, black and white, or greyscale. All pages will be printed at 5.5″ x 8.5″ including an eighth inch gutter on all sides. Therefore all art must not exceed the printable dimensions of 5.25″ x 8.25″. Make certain to include your name, title of the entry, and a web address (if applicable) on the first or last page of the entry.
Biographies: Each artist must compose a biography of no more than 100 words. Make certain to include your name, previous works, and any applicable contact information (i.e. web addresses, social networking accounts, etc.).
How to Submit: We will take submissions both digital and physical. If you choose to send your submissions digitally please format them at 800 dpi for black and white and 300 dpi for greyscale. Please save images as JPG or PSD file formats. Attach the files, along with how you would like to be credited, to superfantasticacomix at hotmail dot com. If you cannot send your submissions electronically, please contact superfantasticacomix at hotmail dot com and we will determine another method of shipment. Prior to submitting to this anthology, please contact superfantasticacomix at hotmail dot com with a rough estimate of your page count, so we can take into account the approximate size of the book and make a contingency for printing options.
Deadline:The solid deadline for submissions is Saturday, March 7th, 2009 at 11:59 PM CST. Its duel debut will take place at SPACE (Small Press and Comix Expo), which takes place in Columbus, OH from April 18 & 19, 2009 at the Aladdin Shrine Center and MCBA Microcon on Sunday, April 26th, 2009 at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds.
Availability: These books will be carried at any establishment kind enough to carry them. Additional sites will become available as the deadline approaches. If you have a shop that you are aware of that consigns or purchases mini-comic anthologies, please e-mail superfantasticacomix at hotmail dot com with the appropriate contact information.
Compensation: Each participant will receive one free copy of Super Fantastica Comix — not much I know, damn the economy. If the participant would like extra copies, they can pay for them at cost. Generally speaking cost will be half of the cover price. Cover price will be determined by the amount of contributors to the book.
Exclamation point!
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