Friday, June 4, 2010


It's been almost a month since the last update, but that's because I've been really busy. Not so much with Candy or Medicine stuff, although Volume Ten will be out next month (check out the awesome wrap-around cover by Donal Delay), but that's because I bought a house. So amongst all of the packing, moving, unpacking, cleaning, cutting grass, repairing, etc, there hasn't been time much for anything else.

But I did want to update everyone on the upcoming issue. The tentative lineup of contributors is Alberto Pessoa, who you know from two previous issues of Candy or Medicine and who sent in an awesome seven-page comic (the first of which can be seen below), Carl Alessi (from Vol. 7), newcomer Tori Holder, Sean Steward (from Vol. 9) and one or two other contributors who I'm still working on.

1 comment:

JB Sapienza said...

love the new cover. It's about time you had a wrap around!