Monday, March 1, 2010

A Late Introduction

I see you've met Jonny Smeby. Jonny's artwork will grace the cover of Candy or Medicine Vol. 9, which will be out this month. I was supposed to write a post introducing Jonny, but I'm a little late. Oh well. I'm a big fan of Jonny's work. He is a very talented guy and I'm happy to have him in both the pages of Candy or Medicine and on the blog. I'm also glad that in his first blog post he reviewed a mini-comic because that's something I haven't had time to do in a while.

Make sure you visit Jonny's Web site and order all of his comics. Mulder & Bolder is a really fun comic set in a world that has existed in Jonny's head for a while. He has a lot of really great ideas and he knows the characters and their world inside and out. Plus there is a free Mulder and Bolder comic coming out this month, so keep an eye out for that.

While I haven't had a chance to check out his Jonny RPG comic, the previews I've seen look great and what seems great about it is that it's a complete mini-series, so you don't get the typical issue #1 and no subsequent issues, and, seeing as how the series is complete, you have the whole storyline at your disposal. It's also not a typical autobiographical comic. It's loosely autobiographical featuring monsters and intense action.

So a big thanks to Jonny Smeby for being a part of the team, making some damn good comics and having a really cool name.

1 comment:

JB Sapienza said...

I'm a big big big fan of this new cover.